Love bids us welcome
Who we are
We are an inclusive, international congregation learning to live well with God and with all creation.
English is our shared language not our nationality: we come from all over the world and from many different traditions.
Christianity is our shared faith, but we include people who are happy to be on the very edge of belief and others who would say their lives have been turned around by encountering Jesus.
Our diversity is something we celebrate.
We are young and old, single and in partnerships and married and in families. We are passing through and here to stay.
We are an Anglican Episcopal Church and part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe.
We work closely with the Church of Sweden.
We are open and hospitable and thoughtful. We will honour the wisdom and experience you bring, and offer rich resources for living in a complex and demanding world.
We are always pleased to share what we know about making a life in Stockholm if you are new to the city and to Sweden.
And we keep bees and make our own honey!