Love bids us welcome

Taking Part

People come here for all sorts of reasons. And you are very welcome, whoever you are, just as you are.

Here you can put a toe in the water of Christian faith and practice, or find a resting place on a journey that will take you elsewhere.

Some people make their spiritual home here.

Taking part in worship on a regular basis is where to begin.

Staying for fika after the 11.00 Eucharist is a way to meet other people and find out more.

Social events and gatherings for prayer and study - in person and online - offer a chance to get to know people better.

It's fine just to turn up and worship and be good-hearted. You may have more than enough responsibilities elsewhere.

But if you would like to put your skills, faith and experience to good use here, take a look at what's on offer on this website and notice what’s being done around you and for you on a Sunday.

And have a chat with Nick the Chaplain.