Love bids us welcome
Our Services
People come to church for all sorts of reasons, but the worship of God is at the heart of all we are and all we do.
Our pattern for Sundays is:
09.30-09.50 Morning Prayer - church
11.00-12.15 The Eucharist - church/Zoom
21.30-21.45 Compline Night Prayer - Zoom
You can find details of this coming Sunday’s services here.
We also have Compline Night Prayer every Weekday in Lent at 21.30 here.
You can find details of our services for Holy Week and Easter here.
And we are here to help you mark the joys and sorrows of life with baptism, marriage and funerals.
Do contact us.
Morning Prayer
Starting the day Godwards
A simple quiet service as the day gets underway, with scripture and silence and candles - and birdsong.
In church.
The Eucharist
Love bids us welcome
Our main Sunday service, gathering from east and west and north and south at Christ's table, with singing and sermon and bread and wine - and Godly Play/Choir for younger children, and our Youth Group. And fika afterwards.
In church and on Zoom.
Setting down the day
A simple service of night prayer to end as we mean to go on. And to say Goodnight.
On Zoom, here