Love bids us welcome
Church Bees
We keep bees in the churchyard: two hives that, in a good year, can yield 100 kg of honey.
It all began before Covid. Back then, we helped start Stockholm Loves Pollinators - to persuade the City to manage its spaces in a pollinator-friendly way, for the sake of all of us.
Getting a beehive was the next step in raising our awareness of the crash in pollinator numbers - and fulfilled a small dream: we were half-way to a land flowing with milk and honey.
Since then, we’ve added another hive, weathered a couple of difficult winters, and are looking forward to a great summer of ‘25.
Our beekeeper is Henrik Rammer, helped out by Nick the Chaplain. And the plan is train-up people from the congregation to be assistant apiarists.
So we’ll be offering a beekeeping course, starting next Spring.
Watch this space!