Love bids us welcome

Worship in English with the Anglican church of St Peter and St Sigfrid.

Known in Stockholm as the English Church (Engelska Kyrkan), English is our shared language, not our nationality. We come from north and south and east and west and from many Christian traditions.

We are a thriving inclusive congregation, learning to live well with God and with all creation, and you are very welcome, whoever you are, just as you are.

09.30-09.50 Morning Prayer in church

11.00-12.15 The Eucharist in church / on Zoom + fika

21.30-21.45 Compline Night Prayer on Zoom

I always feel welcome and loved.
— Brad

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you.

If you have a question or would like to arrange a meeting or make a booking, ask for prayer or just fancy a fika, do get in touch.